Impact of Entrance Fees on Disc Golf Course Attendance: Empirical Insights from Heckscher State Park
This study examines the effects of seasonal congestion pricing on disc golf participation at Heckscher State Park using data from a disc golf scorekeeping app between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2023. By comparing daily visits on days with and without entrance fees and accounting for variables such as weather, total regional disc golf activity, and the presence of holidays, we isolate the impact of pricing on recreational choices. Our analysis also considers the Empire Pass's role in mitigating fee sensitivity among players. Findings indicate a significant negative relationship between the imposition of fees and course attendance, highlighting the importance of pricing strategies in balancing revenue generation with accessible recreation. This research contributes to the sports economics discourse, offering insights for policymakers and park administrators on optimizing public access to recreational facilities while managing financial objectives.
disc golffrisbee golf
recreation demand
congestion pricing
demand estimation
public parks
user fees
visitation patterns
Liao, Kenneth, González-Ramírez, Jimena, & Meyer, Kevin (2024). "Impact of Entrance Fees on Disc Golf Course Attendance: Empirical Insights from Heckscher State Park." New York Economic Review. 54: 37-66