State Carbon Trading: The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Example


Publisher:  Resource for the Future

Duration:   14:18

Summary from website: Presentation by Franz Litz (Litz Energy Strategies LLC) explains state carbon trading, using the example of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).


  1. Introduction to Carbon Trading: RGGI
    • How It Works
    • The RGGI Track Record
  2. Linking: Keeping the Option Open
    • RGGI as 9 Linked Priograms
    • What are the Key Factors?

RGGI is a cooperative effort of nine Northeast and MidAtlantic states to cap and reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants through a market-based, emissions trading program. This year, the nation’s first multi-state carbon trading program is poised to expand by two additional states. Virginia has proposed its own carbon trading rule for power plants that is designed to link to RGGI in 2020. New Jersey’s governor has also announced that he will bring his state back into the RGGI program.

This presentation formed part of the event “States Moving Forward with Carbon Trading: The Nuts and Bolts of Linking State Programs,” hosted by Duke University, Resources for the Future, and the Georgetown Climate Center.
